e-Scrolls and e-Transcripts

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NUS issues self-verifiable electronic (e-) degree scrolls/graduate diplomas and official transcripts, also known as OpenCerts, to the following cohorts:
  • First Degrees (Bachelor): those admitted from August 2005 onwards
  • Higher Degrees (Graduate Diploma, Master, and Doctoral): those admitted from August 2004 onwards
Note: OpenCerts are not issued to graduates from the Joint Degree Programmes currently.

To verify graduates with no OpenCerts, in particular those conferred/awarded before March 2006, please click here.

With OpenCerts,
  • Graduates need not request for additional transcripts or certified hardcopies of their degree scrolls any longer.
  • Graduates can simply share the digital files with third parties such as their prospective employers or other institutes of higher learning together with their applications.
  • The recipient may easily verify the e-documents using the viewer at Verify NUS OpenCerts webpage or the OpenCerts website.

More information on OpenCerts can be found here. You may also refer to our FAQs here.

How It Works (For Graduates)


You will receive an email (in your NUS Lifelong Email Account) from the Office of the University Registrar.  Download the OpenCerts file (in .opencert format) in the email into a secured folder.

A copy has also been deposited into the Skills Passport of your individual MySkillsFuture account. Click here for login information.


To view, drag and drop the OpenCerts file into the viewer at Verify NUS OpenCerts webpage or the OpenCerts website (best viewed in Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers).


To share, send the OpenCerts file and one of the following links to your intended recipient. 
- https://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/student-records/e-degree-scrolls-and-e-transcripts/verify, or
- https://www.opencerts.io/
Inform the recipient to drop the OpenCerts file into the viewer at one of the above links to view the document.

Alternatively, you may use the Email feature in the OpenCerts Website to send your file to your recipient. Click here to learn more.

Important: Graduates are personally responsible for managing the privacy, ownership and consent of access to the electronic documents issued to them.

How It Works (For Third Parties)


Obtain the OpenCerts file (in .opencert format) from the sender.


Verify the authenticity of the OpenCerts file by dropping it into the viewer at Verify NUS OpenCerts webpage or the OpenCerts website. If the file can be successfully opened in the viewer on the website, with no error message being displayed, then the file is verified as authentic.

Important: The handling of the e-documents must comply with the data protection obligations of the PDPA.

You may refer to the FAQs here for more information on electronic degree scrolls/graduate diplomas and official transcripts in NUS.